


1.          鏡子練習鏡子鏡子誰是世界上最特別的人”?

2.          放鬆練習 (音樂+舞蹈)---包子、發糕、大,小,飛、翻筋斗

3.          心像法探索我的身體的練習

4.          畫畫或寫字創作

5.          兩人一組分享

6.          團體分享




1.      能探索自己身體部位

2.      能意識過去/現在之身體成長過程(當我是小嬰兒時我….現在)

3.   能夠分享給大家自己曾經做過的好的經驗 (:手能做什麼?你做了哪些事?你有什麼感覺?)

4.   增加對自身經驗及努力的肯定度,並看重自己


想一想誰是這世界上最特別的人…….我今天帶了一個神奇魔術箱他會告訴我們這個答案,等一下我們會一個一個看,記得這是秘密待會再說你看到什麼哦 ……(一個個輪流看)

這個人真的非常非常特別是不是? (一個個問看到誰並複誦其名字+是世界上最特別的人)……:鍾老師是世界上最特別的人


請你注意你自己的身體…..感覺一下他們位置…..你的頭….你的手….你的腳你的身體…….他們多大/多長/多重呢? 你對他們的感覺是什麼
? …….

感覺一下你的頭,.每天他幫你做什麼事呢? 你對他的感覺是什麼呢?……..你的手,每天做哪些事呢? 你對他們的感覺又是什麼呢?……..你的腳, 每天幫你做什麼事呢? 你對他們的感覺又是什麼呢?……..你有什麼話想跟他們說的…..現在你可以告訴他們

好,現在我要你們變回到小嬰兒的時候……..你們是小baby…..好好看一看你的頭、你的手、你的腳、你的身體……他們有多大/多長/多重呢? 你對他們的感覺是什麼?………你的手,每天做哪些事呢? 你對他們的感覺又是什麼呢?……..你的腳, 每天幫你做什麼事呢? 你對他們的感覺又是什麼呢?……..你有什麼話想跟他們說的…..現在你可以告訴他們

回到現在的你……請你好好看一下你現在的頭、你的手、你的腳、你的身體……他們幫你做過什麼? 你對他們的感覺又是什麼呢?……..你有什麼話想跟他們說的…..現在你可以告訴他們




1. 你喜不喜歡你的身體? 2.你的腳/手曾經幫你做過什麼你覺得驕傲的? 3. 從小到現在你覺得你身體哪一個不為你最喜歡? 4.什麼是你小時後不會的但是現在你學會了?

































Exploring My Body


Relax and breathe deeply a few times. Feel your body on the floor, make yourself comfortable………Become aware of your whole body….. What your body is like?…..How does your body feel right now?….. How do you feel about your body……. …Now look closely at your head, hands and your feet….. What are your head, hands and feet like?….. What size and weight are your head, hands and feet…….What are happening there?…. what does your body do for you everyday?…. what do you feel about your body?….Now see if you have anything you would like to say to your body…. Your head, hands and your feet….. In imagination, just say anything that comes……..


Now, I want you to back to the time when you were a baby…. See what your body is like?….. Be aware of your whole body as a baby…….…..…. what size and weight is it?……How does your body feel right now?…… how do you feel about the body as you are a baby?…….. Now take a good look at the body….. your head, hands and your feet….. What are your head, hands and feet like?….. What are happening there?…. what does your body do for you everyday as you are a baby?…. what do you feel about your head, hands and feet?….Now see if you have anything you would like to say to your body….your head, hands and your feet….. In imagination, just say anything that comes……..


Now, slowly allow yourself to expand and become the size of your real body…. Take a good look at your body…..How do you feel about your head, hands and feet now……Find out what does your body do for you? ……what’s your feelings about your body… Breathe a little deeper and when you are ready, open your eyes, quietly begin to draw the picture you saw in your imagination…………… (Created by 鍾老師, 2003) 






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