

1.   放鬆練習

2.   心像法聰明的人的練習

3.   畫畫或寫字創作

4.   兩人一組分享

5.   團體分享



1.   能隨著劇本指示去想像、選擇並作出動作

2.    能依據本提示之想像內容,畫出當時的感覺

3.    能與同學分享當時之感覺






當你走在這分歧的小路上時,天色慢慢變暗了..變黑變得更神秘了..你可以聽見來自灌木叢或石頭堆裏發出來的各種聲音…….當你在這裡時你感覺如何呢?……不久之後月亮出現了,有了亮光你就比較簡單找到你的方向..在遙遠的地方你看到有火光閃爍,你知道你一定快找到你的目的地了……..當你接近這個火光時,你好像看到一個洞穴的形狀而且這個聰明的人正坐在火堆旁………你穿過火堆並且坐下..很長一段時間,你們都沒有說話……. 請好好看一下你的聰明的人……


現在用你的想像力變成這個聰明的人……當你變成聰明的人時,你的感覺是什麼?…….對於這個來看你的人你有什麼感覺?..試著跟這個來看你的人談一談…….請給他一些他現在所需要的建議……. 當你結束談話時,請你拿起旁邊對折的衣服,裡面有一個禮物拿給你的拜訪者…….


現在變回你自己……告別這聰明的人並且往山下的路走去..當你走下山時你的感覺是什麼?…….你一邊走路一邊打開你的禮物並且仔細的看你的禮物……. 當你繼續往回家的路上走時,請注意觀察你有什麼感覺?.. 在想像中,向你的聰明的人及這些山說再見…….深呼吸..慢慢的把注意力放在這間教室…………..

 翻譯自:Hall, Hall and Leech (1990): Scripted Fantasy in the Classroom. London : Routledge


1. 當路變得難走時你有何感覺?2.當天變黑了還有其快的聲音你有何感覺?3你看到月量有何感覺?4.當你變成聰明的人有何感覺?5.聰明的人給你什麼感覺?6.你拿到什麼禮物?為何麼是這個禮物?





























The Wise Man

Take two breaths and allow your body to relax….Just let the tension go…Imagine that you are walking through the foothills of a mountainous area…As you begin to climb upwards, take a good look at the scenery…. The trees and the mountains around you….Be aware of the feelings in your body as you walk alone the mountain path….. Breathe in the smell of the trees….. Stop for a moment and have a good look at the view… Now as the path becomes steeper, it is more difficult to walk….In places you have to scramble a little….. There is a fork in the path ahead…. Take the route that you know leads to a high valley…. Here, a wise person lives in a cave…


As you carry on along this branching path, the light begins to fade… The shadows become darker and more mysterious and you can hear the sounds of wildlife in the bushes and among the rocks… How do you feel about being here?…. Soon a bright moon comes out and now it is easier to find your way…. In the distance you can see the flickering light of a fire and you know that you must be near your destination… As you come close to the fire, it is possible to see the outline of the cave and the wise person sitting by the fire…. You go over to the fire and sit down. For a long time, no words are spoken…. Take a good look at your wise person….


Now, in imagination, become the wise person…. What does it feel like to be the wise person?….. What do you think of the person who has come to see you? Try talking to the person who has come to see you…. Give some advice that is right for the person right now….. When you have finished talking, reach into the folds of your clothes and take out a gift and give it to your visitor…. Now become yourself again, take your leave of the wise person and start on the journey back down the mountain…


How do you feel as you walk along?…. As you walk, take out your gift and examine it carefully… Be aware of your feelings as you continue your journey home…. In imagination, say goodbye to the wise person and the mountain… Breathe a little more deeply and gently begin to bring your attention back to the room.  

FROM:Hall, Hall and Leech (1990): Scripted Fantasy in the Classroom. London : Routledge


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